Student Digital Privacy and Parental Rights Act of 2015 Introduced Today in Congress

Jim Steyer, Common Sense CEO and Founder released the following statement in response to the bi-partisan federal bill, the Student Digital Privacy and Parental Rights Act of 2015, introduced today in the House of Representatives by Rep. Jared Polis and Rep. Luke Messer.

"We applaud Congressmen Messer and Polis for their important bipartisan effort to craft a strong federal bill that safeguards the privacy and security of sensitive student data, supports parents, and permits innovation in education and technology.

This measure would help foster a trusted online learning environment, so our students can use state-of-the-art online services, websites, and apps to learn and thrive, without fear that their personal information will be exploited for commercial purposes or fall into the wrong hands.

The bill sets forth clear and enforceable rules for ed tech companies that will ensure that students' personal information is used only to enrich their education, not to market to kids or their families.

This bill is good for kids, good for educators, and good for the industry. Congress ought to embrace it this year."

About Common Sense Kids Action

Common Sense Kids Action is an independent, non-partisan and powerful voice whose mission is to make kids and education America's top priority. Common Sense Kids Action works with national and state leaders to advance policies that help ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed in the 21st century. Common Sense Kids Action has committed to advancing a 21stCentury Kids and Education agenda—an agenda that includes ensuring that all children 0-5 have access to vital health and education resources, advancing 21st century learning, alleviating the damaging effects of poverty, and protecting children's online privacy. Learn more at the Common Sense Kids Action website