READ: Testimony Of White House Budget Official Mark Sandy For Impeachment Inquiry

Elena Moore, photographed for NPR, 11 March 2020, in Washington DC.

Mark Sandy, a career employee in the White House Office of Management and Budget, testified in the House impeachment inquiry on Nov. 16.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

House impeachment investigators have released the transcript of the deposition of Mark Sandy, a career staffer for the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Sandy was deposed by lawmakers on Nov. 16 and was the lone person from the OMB to testify. Top-ranking political appointees to the OMB — including Russell Vought, its acting director — refused to comply with the investigation's requests, citing advice from the White House counsel's office.

Trump Impeachment: A Guide To Key People, Facts And Documents

Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: A Guide To Key People, Facts And Documents

The OMB controls the White House budget and signs off on the disbursement of U.S. foreign aid. Lawmakers have sought information about the White House decision to withhold military aid from Ukraine, as well as the eventual release of the aid in mid-September.

Read Sandy's testimony: