
When you apply to study abroad, you create a plan based on your previous studies and experiences, your hopes for your time abroad, and potential post-study abroad endeavors.

Application Deadlines

Application Process

There is a two-step process to being approved by Beloit College and admitted by your host institution.

Process for Approval by Beloit College

  1. Consultation with a study abroad advisor is your first step. Students applying for study away are required to meet with one of the GEO advisors. Your GEO advisor will help you select options that fit your academic goals. Work with your advisor throughout the application process. To make an appointment, go to Handshake .
  2. Meet with your faculty advisor(s) to discuss your plans and
  3. Read the application questions and prepare a draft. Read the Policies page for study abroad.
  4. Prepare your application in StudioAbroad
  5. Receive approval from the Global Experience Office and the Global Experience Committee.
  6. Consider registering for the PRAX 208: Preparing for Immersive Learning (0.25 units). This is a pre-departure workshop you complete the semester before you study away. There is a non-credit alternative that all students must complete, at a minimum.

Process for Admission into your Host Institution

  1. Submit an application for admission to the relevant university/program after being approved to study abroad by Beloit College. Do so earlier rather than later to secure your spot and take care of administrative steps.

Application Essay Prompts

Semester Study Away