New Mexico - Attorney General's Office - Report on the February 2 and 3, 1980 Riot at the Penitentiary of New Mexico - Part One - The Penitentiary, The Riot, The Aftermath

Events just prior to, during, and in the aftermath of the February 2 and 3, 1980 riot at the New Mexico State Penitentiary are described.

The report is a factual narrative of the events and purposely does not draw any conclusions or make recommendations. Following a description of the prison layout, this Part I report describes forewarnings of the riot, the takeover, security lapses, and the response, including a day-by-day account of the negotiations. An account is also given of the violence that occurred. Considerations regarding the retaking of the prison are reported, along with the actual events of the rescue. The description of the aftermath covers the confinement of inmates, the reinstitution of services, the actions of corrections staff, and security after the riot. The appendixes contain a chronology of events; procedures followed in the report's investigation; data on the corrections staff; the inmate population; and the administrative staff; recommendations of the Kruger Report; inmate activities before the riot; discipline procedures; and a discussion of the demands of correctional officers. Photographs, diagrams, and glossaries of riot-related expenses and involved persons are included.