What is a recruitment agency?

Recruitment agencies are individuals or corporations authorised to recruit and hire for employment in other countries. In Pakistan, they are called overseas employment promoters. To be accredited, they should have a valid license.

Make sure that you apply only through recruitment agencies registered and licensed by the government. BEOE usually publishes online the current status of recruitment agencies, or whether they are suspended and with pending cases or complaints. Read more about BEOE on their website https://beoe.gov.pk/list-of-oeps?show=active.

In Pakistan, the Overseas Employment Corporation is a company limited by shares incorporated under the Companies Act 1913 as a private limited concern. Its equity is owed entirely by the Government of Pakistan. OEC assists the employers in conducting tests and interviews of candidates. Those selected for employment abroad are assisted with their travel arrangements. Apart from meeting the specific and exacting standards of foreign employers, the Corporation also acts as a protector of emigrants to ensure the welfare of emigrant personnel and to promote harmonious working relationship between the employers and the employees.

The objectives of OEC are:

Read more about OEC on their website https://www.oec.gov.pk/.

When choosing an agency, you need to keep in mind that you’ll depend on them for a number of services, including visas or other residence documents, transport, accommodation, and information about the nature of the work. So, you need all the support and guidance you can get when choosing the right recruitment agency.

Unfortunately, unethical recruitment agencies exist, and here are some indicators of bad recruiting practice, which, when known, will help you spot and avoid them. Read as well several ways to improve your chances of engaging with the right agency:

If you need clarification about any of the above, you may contact the MRCs anytime through email, FB, or hotline number.