The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: Congress Enacts the Most Sweeping AML Legislation Since Passage of the USA PATRIOT Act

On Jan. 1, 2021, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly voted (81-13) to override President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021,[1] passing into law legislation that includes – as Division F – the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (AML Act).[2]

This GT Alert provides an overview of the important themes and significant provisions of the AML Act.

General Overview

The AML Act ushers in the most significant changes to the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, as amended (BSA)[3] and other anti-money laundering/countering terrorism financing (AML/CFT) laws since the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001.[4] The AML Act is made up of 56 sections in five titles and is 86 pages long (and will likely be significantly expanded by implementing federal regulations). The purpose of the AML Act is to:

The AML Act, and the changes to the existing BSA regime it represents, are the result of years of efforts by U.S. legislators, regulators, and the financial industry to reform the BSA legal framework and address longstanding concerns raised by the public and private sectors. The long-term effect of these comprehensive changes set by the AML Act will move the United States closer to a global regime of fighting financial crimes, as opposed to the current U.S.-centric legal framework.

New Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements

Today, any person can incorporate or form a U.S. company in most, if not all, states in the United States without having to disclose beneficial ownership data to the state incorporation or formation authority. Every year, thousands of such companies are incorporated or formed quickly all over the United States by entrepreneurs, family businesses, and larger businesses, the latter group often in connection with merger and acquisition opportunities or corporate reorganizations. Of course, not having to report beneficial ownership data for such entities also offers the owner a high level of confidentiality, and critics have observed that such confidentiality may be abused by money launderers, tax evaders, and other bad actors. The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), of which the United States is a member, among others, has criticized the United States for failing to have legislation that addresses FATF standards on the collection of company beneficial ownership data.

In answer to that criticism, the AML Act imposes new ultimate beneficial ownership reporting requirements on certain U.S. state-law-organized corporations, limited liability companies, and other similar entities formed under the laws of a foreign country that register to do business in the United States (hereinafter, the UBO Reporting Law). Under the UBO Reporting Law, any “reporting company”[6] must submit, as part of the company formation or registration process, a report to FinCEN that includes specific identification information for each “beneficial owner.” FinCEN will then issue to the reporting individual or entity a unique FinCEN identifier number.

The AML Act sets forth over 20 categories of exemptions from the new UBO Reporting Law, including exemptions for the following companies:

For those entities that must register with FinCEN, the AML Act sets forth the following salient requirements:

FinCEN will be authorized to disclose such beneficial ownership information in certain circumstances to (a) a financial institution, (b) federal law enforcement, intelligence, and national security agencies, (c) state, local, and Tribal law enforcement agencies, (d) foreign law enforcement agencies (on whose behalf federal agencies must submit requests), and (e) subject to certain limitations, federal functional and other regulators. Financial institutions wishing to query the FinCEN database in connection with their Customer Due Diligence (CDD) obligations can do so only with the prior consent of that company. The AML Act directs FinCEN to bring its existing CDD Rule of May 11, 2016,[8] into conformance with the new UBO Reporting Law within a year.

Under the AML Act, any person who (a) willfully provides, or attempts to provide, false or fraudulent beneficial ownership information, or (b) willfully fails to report complete or updated beneficial ownership information, will be subject to civil and criminal penalties.

Broader Purpose of the BSA and Codification of the Risk-Based Approach to AML/CFT Compliance

Another significant provision in the AML Act is the inclusion of a “declaration of purpose” to the BSA,[9] which essentially reinforces and codifies a risk-based approach to AML/CFT. The BSA purpose, as amended by the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, was “to require certain reports or records where they have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, or regulatory investigations, or proceedings, or in the conduct of intelligence or counterintelligence activities, including analysis, to protect against international terrorism.”[10] The AML Act amends the BSA purpose to include goals of preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism by requiring financial institutions to establish risk-based programs that incorporate highly useful BSA-related reports in assessing risks of money laundering, terrorism finance, tax evasion, and fraud to such financial institutions.

In practical terms, the AML Act has changed the BSA to: (i) require BSA-related reports or records to be used to access risk by financial institutions subject to the BSA, and (ii) codify the requirement for financial institutions to implement reasonably designed risk-based programs to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Modernizing the AML/CFT System

Title LXII (sections 6201 – 6216) and title LXV (sections 6502 – 6508) of the AML Act collectively are intended to modernize the AML/CFT system by embracing technology and innovation, streamlining low-value processes, and eliminating obsolete regulations and guidance. These provisions do so in several ways, including:

Antiquities: The definition of “financial institution” under the BSA was expanded to include a person engaged in the trade of antiquities, including advisors, consultants, or other persons who engage as a business in the solicitation or the sale of antiquities. Implementing regulations to be issued by the U.S. Treasury will consider, among other factors, the degree to which these regulations should focus on high-value trade in antiquities, and on the need to identify the actual purchasers of such antiquities, in addition to the agents or intermediaries acting for or on behalf of such purchasers.[11]

Virtual Currencies: The AML Act expands several BSA definitions to include “value that substitutes for currency,” including those pertaining to “financial agency,” “financial institution,” “money transmitting business” and “money transmitting service,” and codifies FinCEN guidance by requiring that virtual currency businesses that qualify as “money transmitting businesses” register with FinCEN.

Expanded Enforcement and Investigation-Related Authority

The AML Act significantly amends BSA enforcement- and investigation-related provisions. Some of the more notable provisions requiring attention are:

The AML Act also expands the duties and powers of the FinCEN director. Five new duties and powers have been added as follows:

Expanded Coordination and Information Sharing

The AML Act will expand coordination and information-sharing among administering agencies, examining agencies, law enforcement agencies, national security agencies, the intelligence community and financial institutions. FinCEN will have a key role in such effort by managing relationships and cultivating information sharing and other forms of coordination across public and private stakeholders. FinCEN’s role will include:

The AML Act will also codify prior interagency guidance authorizing financial institutions to share BSA compliance resources with other financial institutions. With respect to the methods to implement such information-sharing requirements, the AML Act contemplates certain mechanisms, as follows:

These mechanisms are aimed at facilitating cross-border sharing of SARs and suspicious transaction information within financial institutions. As a result, financial institutions will be prohibited from establishing or maintaining any operation located outside the United States for the primary purpose of BSA compliance as a result of these provisions.


The AML Act substantially changes and modernizes the BSA and related AML laws and regulations. However, because many of the new statutory provisions will require rulemakings, reports, analyses, and other measures, the impact of the AML Act remains to be seen and may only be slowly realized over the next few years. Nonetheless, financial institutions should seek to prepare their stakeholders, including boards of directors, foreign affiliates, and BSA/AML compliance personnel, by informing them of these changes and how they may impact their day-to-day operations.

[2]Id., at pages 1160-1246.

[3] The BSA is generally comprised of the following parts of the U.S. Code: (i) 12 U.S.C. section 1829b (“retention of records by insured depository institutions”); (ii) 12 U.S.C. Part 21 (“financial recordkeeping”, sections 1951-1959); and (iii) 31 U.S.C. subchapter II (“records and reports on monetary instruments and transactions”, sections 5311-5314, 5316-5322).

[4] PUBLIC LAW 107–56—Oct. 26, 2001.

[6] “Reporting company” is generally defined to include corporations, limited liability companies, and other U.S. entities. It also includes foreign entities that register to do business in the United States.

[7] Including through any contract, arrangement, understanding, or relationship.

[8]Customer Due Diligence Requirements for Financial Institutions, 81 Fed. Reg. 29398 (May 11, 2016).

[12] For this purpose, only violations occurring after the enactment of the AML Act will be subject to the heightened sanctions.

[14] “Egregious violation” will be defined as a conviction with a maximum prison term of more than one year, or a “willful” civil violation that facilitated money laundering or terrorism financing.