2-Negotiating AgreementsNegotiating with Foreign Reps

Negotiating an Agreement with a Foreign Representative
When your company has found a prospective representative that meets its requirements, the next step is to negotiate a foreign sales agreement. Export Assistance Centers provide advice to firms contemplating that step. The International Chamber of Commerce also provides useful guidelines.

Here is important information to consider when negotiating an agreement with a foreign representative

Ending an Agreement
In drafting the agreement, you must pay special attention to safeguarding your company’s interests in case the representative proves less than satisfactory. It is vital to include an escape clause in the agreement that allows you to end the relationship safely and cleanly if the representative does not fulfill expectations.
Some contracts specify that either party may terminate the agreement with written advance notice of 30, 60, or 90 days.
The contract may also spell out exactly what constitutes “just cause” for ending the agreement (for example, failure to meet specified performance levels). Other contracts specify a certain term for the agreement (usually one year) but arrange for automatic annual renewal unless either party gives written notice of its intention not to renew.
In all cases, escape clauses and other provisions to safeguard your company may be limited by the laws of the country in which the representative is located so be sure to
For this reason, you should learn as much as you can about the legal requirements of the representative’s country and obtain qualified legal counsel in preparing the contract.

Legal Jurisdiction
The agreement with the foreign representative should define what laws apply to the agreement. Even if you choose U.S. law or that of a third country, the laws of the representative’s country may take precedence.
Many suppliers define the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG, or the Vienna Convention) as the source of resolution for contract disputes, or they defer to a ruling by the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.